July 1, 2015

The Reality On Goals

I never have, and may never, understand the urgency when it comes to Americans, fat loss, and goal setting.

I'm not a wizard with a wand.
Not a genie with three wishes, or a lamp.
Not a shaman with a ritual.

I'm an expert in health and fitness. I use a collection of science and experience to bring the absolute truth into reality for one thing. Results. Yet with each person who invests I keep a beginner's mind. I have to. You aren't like anyone else there is. Your goals may sound similar of other people's but the reason, the why, is different. You have your story and it's unique.

The truth in goal setting is that when utilized correctly, great things can happen. However, goal setting is rarely used correctly, even by professionals. And when goal setting is not used properly, quitting (not to be confused with failure), is inevitable.

It's not really your fault. The problem lies in your ambition. Seriously. Have you ever started to exercise and drove yourself so hard you couldn't move for three days straight? I know I have. It's common. We have the best intentions to make a positive change. We collectively have one flaw in today's society that gets in the way, lack of patience. Not all of us, but most are guilty.

We dive in balls to the wall. Everything you got. Day one. Chasing ridiculous numbers at the starting gate.

The truth is, most of the time when DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) sets in, especially if it's not expected, it can ruin a persons motivation. Some even convince themselves that because they got so sore, something must have gone wrong and never do it again.

When it all boils down, your goal(s), need other goals.

You CANNOT (I hate the word "Can't" so I must be serious here) walk in on day one with a goal of benching 450lbs having never benched before.

It takes baby steps. Baby goals. Little itty bitty teeny tiny goals to work up to a 450lbs bench. It takes weeks and weeks of discipline, dedication, motivation, and determination in eating and exercising properly to lose 5% of body fat.

In case that was too confusing for you. A lot of little goals add up to really big goals. Those never before experienced RESULTS. In fact, if you pay enough attention to your exercise programming. Progression in exercise is worthy of being called results. Your first full push up? Results. Struggling to bench press the bar to completing sets with the bar to benching twice what you weigh? Results.

That said, don't even think about fuckin whining when you fail at reaching a little goal. For starters, you (I hope) busted your ass leading up to that failure. Even in the moment of failing, you've worked insanely hard at just making the attempt. Failing is not quitting. You have two options following failure. Review and readjust your goals for increased success ; or keep gripping that bar and giving it hell. A week or two of work will likely be the determining factor at succeeding in the next attempt.

Don't give up. 

Keep bustin ass and focus on quality proteins!

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