July 17, 2015

The Devastating Oppression

Pounding heart. Beads of sweat forming in unusual places. A nervous system so active you shake when you're making every effort to be still.  

It ties us up. Restrains us from being great. Better. It holds us down. Choking us into a state of suffocation. It torments us most when we need a vote of confidence most. It pulls and pushes. It laughs in our faces. It shrouds our confidence in a tomb of dying dreams. It is the single most influential form of oppression in a human's life. 

It's an emotion we've all felt. Some of us feel it on a daily recurrence. It's a thing we can all relate to. Yet most make every effort to avoid this feeling, at any cost.

It's a strange thing this emotion. We experience some or all of the same physiological responses. Yet, the underlying reason for feeling it can be unique to each individual. Multiples of life's experiences, objects, interactions, situations, and whatnot can bring this inner evil out. The richest of the rich feel it, the poorest of the poor feel it, and everyone in between feels it too. 

There are varying magnitudes of this emotion. Sometimes its affect on us is acute, insignificant, and fleeting. Other times, in the worst case scenario, it can engrave a life lasting, emotionally deep, scar.

It is fear. 

A million years ago, fear kept us from becoming lunch. It kept us alive. 

Today, it's being used before a final exam. A speech. An athletic event. Starting something new. Breaking a habit, or forming a new one.

It's being used in life where it never has before. In other words, the emotion we developed to keep us alive is now killing us. Its killing us in ways unfathomable to humans a million, a thousand, even a couple hundred years ago. Now it's doing things far worse to us than becoming food.

It's killing our pride to be alive. It's killing our motivation to do what we enjoy most in life. It's keeping us from having a clear perspective on life's chaos. It blinds us from seeing a better way. From doing what could possibly make us the happiest in life. Holding us back from being exhilarated about life. It rips positive energy from the depths of our core.

Our most impactful fear is that of change. Many people avoid change at all cost. So many people are completely afraid of change they fear exercise, or even simply becoming healthy. 

It doesn't have to be oppressive though, fear. Fear, in the end, when it all boils down, is like any other situation in life. It ends with a decision only you can make for yourself.

Feeling fear is inevitable but following fear's orders (that voice that says "I can't...") bring us closer to death than it enriches our livelihood. In fact, those who live by following fear's guidance are already dead.

Make it a point to go against fear. Press on and find out for yourself what you're really capable of. I know you are capable of more than you think.

We fear situations for all the wrong reasons. Like failure. Embarrassment in front of your Familia. Shit, some even fear being successful.

"What if I fail at reaching my fat loss goal?" 

"What if I can't handle the pressure of being famous?"

So you failed. Big whup. You probably made some progress, which is success in my perception. Fear doesn't create failure. Failure is one, out of two, results as a product of facing the adversity of fear. Failure should be seen as a stepping stone to success rather than associating it as a negative result. 

When failure is perceived negatively, quitting is often the resolution to the result of failure. Quitting is accelerated by fear. There is no progress in quitting but there is with repetitive failure.

Remember this. Failures are due to a mistake in the process of a system. Identify the mistake and correct it.

The greatest athletes in the world have failed multiple times before they ever succeeded. Even with success they still face adversities to overcome. It's how they responded to failure that got them to achieve a legendary status.

It's the response, which is a decision, from a set number of choices. The choices were made clear, it's up to you to decide between those choices.

So get off your ass and make something of yourself. Doing something every day that pushes against your fear(s). Eventually, you won't think twice about it. You'll change your body. Start your business. Leave an abusive relationship. What ever it is that fear holds you from, it won't, if you choose not to let it.

Be it. 

What ever it is you want it to be.

Do something.

Be someone.

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