July 6, 2015

A Warrior's Mind: Act As If

Everyone is one. Not everyone lives as one.

A Warrior.

That's where I come in with the 'Training For Warriors' system on my back.  TFW coaches are trained to not only deliver a smart and effective training session but to inspire greatness.

A person steps up to an exercise with comments such as:
"I'll try."
"I don't know if I can."
"I can't do that."

A Warrior steps up and says, "Let's do this!"

The difference is unparallel. The former contains expressions of fear, doubt, and lacks confidence. The latter, the Warrior, contains 100% focused effort on the task at hand, confidence, and determination regardless of what could happen.

We all have a 'Warrior Within' and it's your choice to live as one, or not.

Pay more attention to the words you choose to say and how you choose to say them. A LOT is at stake. Consider how a comment can potentially effect the people around you, and yourself.

Martin Rooney (Founder of Training For Warriors) says it best:


Act as if you have a bunch of muscle to move that bar around. Act as if you are confident. Act as if you are a healthy person.

Eventually. You will be, without the act.

You can even narrow it down to a single exercise.

Over the years (I felt a little of the aging process saying that), I've heard numerous stories of vehicles being lifted off of people in need of help.

Lifting a vehicle up is basically a deadlift. When I deadlift, especially on PR day, I act as if (imagine) I have to lift a car off of one of my kids.

Another story I heard was of a man hiking and a boulder approximately 2 tons fell on him. He bench pressed it off of him. He tore a lot of soft tissue in the process, but he lived.

That's my scenario for bench press.

Think of some that will work for you. It may take some practice and maybe an acting lesson. Remember: act as if.

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